Armstrong, Arlo

Mount Pleasant, Iowa, October 18, 1890
Date of Death:
October 9, 1918
Hero Bio:
Arlo C. Armstrong was born at Mount Pleasant, Iowa, on October 18, 1890. As a child, he moved with his parents to Albany, Oregon, where he entered school. After a few years spent there, they moved to Corvallis, in the same state. There Arlo entered the Oregon Agricultural College but was unable to finish his course due to the death of his father, T. N. Armstrong, which made the boy feel that he should make his own way. He accordingly moved to Jarbidge, Elko County, Nevada.
He was living in Jarbidge when he received his call to the colors on the 25th of June, 1918. He served in the 3d Battalion, 1 66th Depot Brigade at Camp Lewis, Washington, until July 20th, when he was transferred to the 2 1 st Engineer Regiment at Fort Benjamin Harrison, Indiana. On the 19th of August, he was placed in Company C, 1st Development Battalion.
In the month of October 1918, when the influenza epidemic swept the country, Arlo Armstrong was one of our first soldiers to fall a victim to it. He died of pneumonia at Fort Benjamin Harrison on the 9th of October, 1918, and now rests at Crystal Lake
near Corvallis, Oregon. His mother, Mrs. Minnie N. Laphan, of Corvallis, in speaking of her son, said; “Arlo was a kind, affectionate son; an only child, he was all in the world to me as he was all I had.” She could not have said more of her boy. Like many other brave American mothers, she gave her all that we might triumph in the cause and her only son was as gallant and noble as a soldier as he had been kind and affectionate as a son.
Rank in Death:
Not listed
Regiment, Brigade, Division in Death
3rd Battalion, 166th Depot Brigade transferred to 21st Engineer Regiment